Information System Design
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Developing a roadmap for Dishwasher Rack Design
The study aimed to develop a roadmap for dishwasher rack design. The roadmap includes design challenges and recommendations for future designs based on user needs and expectations. In-depth interviews and cultural probes were conducted with dishwasher users to understand and observe their experiences. An information system is developed for delivering the results of the research project.
Information System Design for Delivering Guidelines on Graphical User Interface
This project aimed at developing graphical user interface and hardware and feedback guidelines for the company, by scanning the standards, commercial guidelines and academic sources. These guidelines were given to the company within an infomation system in which the designers or software engineers can easily reach the information they need.
Information System Design to communicate Perceived Quality
The project aimed to develop an information system that would represent the findings of the former study regarding perceived qualities to designers, in a way to be integrated in the design process. The main emphasis was on modelling the complex relationships between the product components and perceived quality dimensions, with clear representations and visuals.